Holistic Healing



Let's introduce


Life is fun. It gives me joy and a lot of new experiences. It constantly moving and it is adventurous.

Most of the time we don't experience the flow of life, neither did I in my early days. I had to deal with a lot of heavy stuff, got burned out before my 30th birthday and felt lost. This wake-up call brought me so much and from that moment the true meaning of  life was unfolding while I was doing my healingwork.

I  started to take care of my own body and took responsibility for my life.

I was connected and started to study life by making new descision and by choosing a different path. In the past 20 years I have followed a larnge number of education and training courses at home and abroad. Lived life experience in combination with knowledge in the field of natural medicine, dance and holistic healing. I run my own practice from 2006 and gave many dance classes over the past 10 years.

I dance my life, became mother of a beautiful son and I live in two countries.  I am a healer from the heart.
Besides that, I feel free and grateful for this journey called life.


What did I do after my burnout? 
(Besides of letting go my bank career)

I went to South-Africa and I was trained as a Body Stress Release Practioner

I started dancing and I am  trained as a Biodanza facilitator, Didactic Teacher and did several specializations over the last 15 years. Specializations such as Biodanza for Children, Biodanza & Massage, 4 Elements, Identity and Self Esteem

I did Body Mind Coachingtraining and was trained by Roy Martina.

I did Transformational Breathing sessions by Judith Kravitz

I am trained as NLP Master Coach

I am trained as a Herbalist & Detox Coach

I am trained in the Ross Emmett technique

I specialised in Bioresonance, study the work of Hulda Clark and did The Journey Work of Byron Katie.
Recently I am trained in Dharma Shamanic healing and Conscious Therapy by José Antonio Manchado
At this moment I am following the path of the Sangomas, the ancient &  traditional healers of South Africa